We recognize that times are tough. The COVID pandemic has swept across the world and unemployment is on the rise. Now, is not the time to neglect your emotional health. We get it!
We are now offering virtual therapy appointments for only $25 (offer ends March 31st). Due to licensing rules, we can only serve people who are in the State of Utah and Maryland.
Times are tough, now is the time to get help and support to feel and to BE at the top of your game. It’s difficult doing things alone, online therapy with a mental health professional can ease the burdens of what you are facing.
We help people who are facing challenges and stress from a poor relationship, grief, poor work/life balance, anxiety, adhd, and/or depression.
Call us at 801-855-7999 to schedule your first virtual therapy session. We can get you scheduled in just a few days.
Electronic information sent to you every two months to help improve your mind and body functioning. Included tips for relaxation and increased focus.