Depression of varying levels is one of the most challenging disorders that our clients face. We work creatively to find treatments and options that will help you achieve your highest level of health.
Talk therapy sessions are conducted by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or other licensed professional. Talk therapy sessions are held weekly or every other week based on the needs of the client. Cognitive-Behavioral approaches are typically used to help clients further understand their depression and how negative thoughts and expectations can be harmful and deepen the client’s depression. Other approaches we use include development of self-esteem and boundary setting. Talk therapy methods are individualized based on the client’s needs and strengths. Talk therapy can be combined with other evidence-based interventions, such as lifestyle coaching and mindfulness.
There are more ways to reduce depression than those discussed here. We do not have the training or personal experience to recommend all of them, such as specific medications, transcranial magnetic stimulation, or electric shock therapy. There are times that these methods are used and there is research to validate them. We can refer you to clinicians or clinics that offer these methods if your depression is not responding to the other options we offer. Most of our clients see remission of their depression through the use of therapy, lifestyle changes, neurofeedback training, or light therapy.
Electronic information sent to you every two months to help improve your mind and body functioning. Included tips for relaxation and increased focus.